Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Today is beautiful here in Western Pennsylvania. It's a little on the cold side, but sunny. At this moment kids all over are getting hopped up on Easter candy and are ready to start driving their parents batty. I, myself, have a large stash of chocolate and jelly beans all my own. Yesterday was "shop 'til you drop day" as my mother and I got everything that I need for the big move. And boy did we drop. We are not big fans of shopping so yesterday was quite draining. On a brighter note, I am feeling healthy again and Punky is almost sound. I can't believe I will be leaving for Windchase in only five days. I can't wait to go to a place that that the animals out number the people. That spells utopia in my book.

Now to continue and hopefully finish my story. So we arrived on a Sunday and Windchase was a bustling place. Phyllis was having a jumping clinic that day. So while Phyllis was in the middle of teaching I was told to find Jineen, Phyllis' long time friend and barn manager. I found her body clipping her horse Aiden. After I introduced myself Jineen took me into the arena to introduce me to Phyllis. I now have a slight idea of how the gladiators walking into the coliseum must have felt. Shaking hands with a great rider like Phyllis was a very cool experience. I can only hope some of her talent rubbed of on my hand. I was then offered the chance to jump set for the clinic, which I was very eager to do. I then helped out the rest of the clinic.

And now my hopes are crushed because I cannot finish the story, yet again. I must go and get ready for Easter with the family.

Kiss Kiss,
The Dark Horse

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